Early Career Teachers (ECT)
Support for Early Career Teachers (ECT) is an essential part of Exceed Academies Trust’s teacher recruitment and retention strategy and talent strategy. All Early Career Teachers employed for more than one term will commence their two-year induction with the Trust. They will be supported by a Mentor (for day-to-day support and coaching) and an Induction Tutor (a senior leader responsible for ensuring the ECT receive their entitlement and the assessment of the ECT's progress).
The content of the two-year Early Career Teachers’ Programme is based on the Early Career Framework and is provided by Ambition Institute in partnership with their regional delivery partner: Exceed Teaching School Hub. The Hub is led by Copthorne Primary School and part of Exceed Academies Trust. In addition, individual schools will enhance the programme to provide a school-based induction bespoke to the school context and the needs of the ECT. On occasions, additional support may be provided or facilitated by the Trust.
The Early Career Teachers’ Programme and school-based induction is not assessed. However, the Trust has clear expectations for engagement by ECTs, Mentors and Induction Tutors, as set out in the Trust’s Early Career Teachers Policy.
Self-study, coaching and feedback
Self-study, coaching and feedback are typically weekly activity. The ECT and Mentor are provided with time for this during the working week; ECTs have a 10% timetable reduction in Year 1 of induction and 5% in Year 2. Mentors also access training to undertake their role. This support and time is funded by Government. Weekly mentor support is an entitlement for the ECT; self-study and coaching by the ECT’s Mentor should take no more than one-hour per week. Self-study materials and tools for the recording of action steps are available via Steplab, an online tool provided by Ambition Institute.
School-based induction
In the weeks when Early Career Framework-based study and coaching is not accessed, the school will facilitate bespoke support based on the ECT’s development needs, e.g. observation of experienced teachers, introduction to the school’s systems and processes, instructional coaching for an aspect of the ECT’s teaching
Facilitated sessions
Three full-day conferences are attended with ECTs from a wide range of schools that work in partnership with Exceed Teaching School Hub. Facilitators, or Visiting Fellows, will be representative of these schools.
Six one-hour clinics are delivered exclusively for ECTs employed by Exceed Academies Trust. This allows the content to be bespoke to the Trust and to draw upon good practice from Trust schools, whilst maintaining fidelity to the Early Career Framework. Clinics will be facilitated by Visiting Fellows from Exceed Academies Trust schools. We want ECTs to build professional relationships with peers in other Trust schools and to informally support each other where possible.
In accordance with Exceed Academies Trust’s Early Career Teachers Policy, ECTs are expected to attend and engage in all facilitated sessions, including any preparatory work that may be provided. Where attendance at an event is not possible and approval has been secured from the Induction Tutor, asynchronous recordings must be accessed within 3 weeks of the event as the alternative.
Appropriate Body
Engagement with the Early Career Teachers' Programme and school-based induction will provide evidence that can be used to inform termly progress reviews and assessments against the Teachers’ Standards undertaken by the Induction Tutor and submitted to Exceed Teaching School Hub’s Appropriate Body Service (ECTs at Copthorne Primary School will have a different Appropriate Body). These reviews and assessments will inform the school’s recommendation to the Appropriate Body regarding whether the ECT is on track to successfully complete the two-year induction and, ultimately, whether the induction is successful overall.